Dear sister,
Thank you for the sharing. We will pray for you. Be strong in faith! God is good, all the time.
Doreen and I went thru in fertility treatment years back. IUI was one of the option, but the doctor didn't suggest that due to low success rate with our condition. Instead, she recommended IVF with additional procedure to insert the sperm into the egg (I forgot what that procedure is called...).
Anyway, at the time, I was laid off and was unemployed for a while. We had not condition to consider IVF. We were disappointed and were really down at some point. 2 years later, I remembered my family doctor asked me if we still want to persuade the fertility clinic option, I politely told her that I trust in God and I am waiting for His miracle. But God had his mercy on us. A few weeks later, Doreen found out she was pregnant.
9 months later, Doreen and I went to hospital to give birth to Jacob on the morning of our 5th anniversary. We looked at each other, amazed on the miracle God had done in our family. God picked our anniversary to remind us of his Grace and that He remembers us.
Note: We always trust God will prepare a child for us. We just didn't know if it is our own child or an adopted child. We had the option open, research on adopting process, etc.