Friday, July 4, 2008

News to share...

Brothers and sisters,

I felt emotional after seeing the video from CNN. (click here for video). I am shocked to see people just passing by a collapsed woman without even think twice. Sadly, this incidence happened in a hospital waiting room that several hospital worker saw her on the floor but do nothing. She died on the hospital floor an hour later.

I am really touched when I start to recite how Jesus reached out to the sick and needy people around him. What I see is LOVE in Him. Our Lord has set a good example to us to have compassion to people, for his kingdom. Let's pray for ourselves, and may our Lord lead us to reach out our hands to those who are in needs.

Love in Christ,

Mat 20:34耶稣就动了慈心、把他们的眼睛一摸、他们立刻看见、就跟从了耶稣。
Mak 1:41耶稣动了慈心、就伸手摸他、说、我肯、你洁净了吧。

"To people around the world who have seen the video, Esmin Green is a symbol of a health-care system that seems to have failed horribly.

Green, 49, is shown rolling off a waiting room chair at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, on June 19. She lands face-down on the floor, convulsing.

Surveillance video captures her lying on the floor for more than an hour as several hospital workers see her and appear to ignore her. She died there.

But to fellow members of her church, she was known as "Sister Green." Together, they served as a family for her in the decade after she left Jamaica for New York."


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