Thursday, July 24, 2008

Camping Tips - updated

For those who are first time campers, I just want to share my camping tips with you...
1. Be a well-planned camper: Make sure you bring all items you've planned for camping. Create your checklist if necessary. You could refer to my camping checklist. We printout our checklist and go through it every time we go camping. Guess what... we do catch things we miss in our final check before leaving our house.
Our check list is in:  => More => Cheat Sheets => Camping Cheat Sheet
2. How to pack food in your cooler/ice box
  • Process your food before camping: Slice meat, and marinate it.
  • Freeze your processed meat. So that you could keep it for 36 hours, if well kept. Monitor your cooler, you may need to buy ice from the campground store.
  • Freeze a few bottles of your bottle water. When the ice melt, the bottle water will serve as your cold drink in hot summer day!!!  Don't limit yourself to bottle water. You can freeze your favorite beverage too.
  • Pack them on your cooler just minutes before leaving your home.
  • Always, freeze meat and iced bottle in the bottom, eggs, veggie, etc on the top of cooler.
3. Deal with the chilly night: It is hard to say how the overnight temperature would be now, however, generally the overnight temperature is usually chilly and humid as we are staying outdoor. Be prepare for the tight sleep night!!!  On top of your sleeping bag, bring enough warm clothing for the night. Please be aware that most heat loss is through head and feet. I usually put on a pair of sock before getting sleep, with my warmer hat on my side.
Pengfei/Lingzhen, we have "sleeping bag" for Anya, if you haven't had one. It is a comfortable winter cloth with a bag attach to it. Cobcob used it when he was 5 months old in our last year camping. (Note: Good until 12 months)
4. Deal with mosquitoes. (anyway, I don't attract too many mosquitoes ^_^, I only do the blue part.)
  • Use Bug Off. (Personally, I hate chemical on my body, so I seldom use it. )  Another tip, if you have an expired Bug Off, don't throw it away. Instead of spraying it on your body, you can still spray it on objects, like table, chairs, etc, around your campsite.
  • Wear bright colour clothing. Don't wear dark shirt!  Otherwise you will attract more bugs to you.
  • Eat more garlic.
  • If you have mosquitoes coils, or citronella candles, bring them.
  • Campfire. This is the most effective way at dusk.
  • Light up your torch. Torch will light up our campsite as well as attract mosquitoes away from us. Nehemiah Fellowship bought their torches in their past camping trip and stores them in OMAC store room next to Xiao Xiong's office. We can borrow a few from them. I have the fuel for the torch. Another tip: You can also buy the citronella candle torch from Dollarama for only $1. I've used it before, it is good for quite a few hours.
Hope it helps... :-)
Love in Christ,

Camping Tips

For those who are first time campers, I just want to share my camping tips with you...
1. Be a well-planned camper: Make sure you bring all items you've planned for camping. Create your checklist if necessary. You could refer to my camping checklist. We printout our checklist and go through it every time we go camping. Guess what... we do catch things we miss in our final check before leaving our house.
Our check list is in:  => More => Cheat Sheets => Camping Cheat Sheet
2. Deal with the chilly night: It is hard to say how the overnight temperature would be now, however, generally the overnight temperature is usually chilly and humid as we are staying outdoor. Be prepare for the tight sleep night!!!  On top of your sleeping bag, bring enough warm clothing for the night. Please be aware that most heat loss is through head and feet. I usually put on a pair of sock before getting sleep, with my warmer hat on my side.
Pengfei/Lingzhen, we have "sleeping bag" for Anya, if you haven't had one. It is a comfortable winter cloth with a bag attach to it. Cobcob used it when he was 5 months old in our last year camping. (Note: Good until 12 months)
3. Deal with mosquitoes. (anyway, I don't attract too many mosquitoes ^_^, I only do the blue part.)
  • Use Bug Off. (Personally, I hate chemical on my body, so I seldom use it. )  Another tip, if you have an expired Bug Off, don't throw it away. Instead of spraying it on your body, you can still spray it on objects, like table, chairs, etc, around your campsite.
  • Wear bright colour clothing. Don't wear dark shirt!  Otherwise you will attract more bugs to you.
  • Eat more garlic.
  • If you have mosquitoes coils, or citronella candles, bring them.
  • Campfire. This is the most effective way at dusk.
  • Light up your torch. Torch will light up our campsite as well as attract mosquitoes away from us. Nehemiah Fellowship bought their torches in their past camping trip and stores them in OMAC store room next to Xiao Xiong's office. We can borrow a few from them. I have the fuel for the torch. Another tip: You can also buy the citronella candle torch from Dollarama for only $1. I've used it before, it is good for quite a few hours.
Hope it helps... :-)
Love in Christ,

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bible Map

----- Original Message -----
From: Doreen Loo
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 8:42 AM
Subject: bible map

Registration of Canadians Abroad

From: Kian Goh
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:17 PM
Subject: Registration of Canadians Abroad

Father's Love Letter

B&B enquiry in Tofino

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: stay in Tofino on June 19 (Thursday)

Thanks so much for your inquiry, but, unfortunately, we are fully booked on those dates.
May I suggest that you visit the Tofino B&B Society website and its Vacancy Report.  Fill in the details and an email is sent to all the B&B Society members.  If anyone can accommodate you they can reply directly to you.  The address is
Or try Tourism Tofino at  Include specifically what you are searching for and your message is forwarded to all accommodation members.  If anyone has room they can reply directly to you.
Thanks and enjoy your time in the area.
Steve and Crystal Ironside
Waters Edge B&B
Tofino, BC
----- Original Message -----
From: Kian Goh
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 5:05 AM
Subject: stay in Tofino on June 19 (Thursday)


We are exploring the possibility to stay in Tofino on June 19 (Thursday). We have 2 adults and a very charming 15 months baby.

I was wondering if you could provide me the info on room availability and rate on that day? (Check-in on June 19 and check-out on June 20)


Monday, July 14, 2008

Is it harder to raise boys or girls?
Who's harder? Boys
Why don't boys seem to listen? Turns out their hearing is not as good as girls' right from birth, and this difference only gets greater as kids get older. Girls' hearing is more sensitive in the frequency range critical to speech discrimination, and the verbal centers in their brains develop more quickly. That means a girl is likely to respond better to discipline strategies such as praise or warnings like "Don't do that" or "Use your words."
"Boys tend to be more tactile -- they may need to be picked up and plunked in a time-out chair," Gurian says. They're also less verbal and more impulsive, he adds, which is especially evident in the toddler and preschool years.

Who's harder?

In general, boys are more rambunctious and aggressive, experts say. Taking risks lights up the pleasure centers of their brains. Many parents find they have to keep a closer eye on what a son is "getting into," or use more bandages.
But letting kids explore -- at the cost of a few scrapes and cuts -- builds character, self-confidence, resilience, and self-reliance, says Wendy Mogel, Ph.D., author of "The Blessing of a Skinned Knee." Boys, being natural risk takers, may need encouragement to slow down a little, but maybe girls need to be encouraged to take more risks. Look for opportunities for your daughter to jump off a wall, swim in the deep end, or try the bigger slide. Potty training: girls vs. boys
Who's harder? First boys, then girls
From birth, a girl baby tends to be more interested in looking at colors and textures, like those on the human face, while a boy baby is drawn more to movement, like a whirling mobile, says Dr. Sax. (These differences play out in the way kids draw: Girls tend to use a rainbow of hues to draw nouns, while boys lean toward blue, black, and silver for their more verblike pictures of vehicles crashing and wars.)
In a nutshell, girls are rigged to be people-oriented, boys to be action-oriented. Because girls study faces so intently, they're better at reading nonverbal signals, such as expression and tone of voice. Boys not only learn to talk later than girls and use more limited vocabularies, they also have more trouble connecting feelings with words.
Who's harder? Girls
Developing a healthy self-image is critical to all kids. But as the more compliant and people-oriented gender, girls tend to grow up less confident and more insecure than boys, researchers say. Famed gender researcher and psychologist Carol Gilligan, Ph.D., calls this "the tyranny of nice and kind" -- unwittingly raising girls to be people pleasers.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

News to share: B.C. missionary attacked in Kenya

Dear brothers and sisters,
I came across this news, and really touched to learn about this missionary couple who up-lift Jesus' name and live out a beautiful testimony. Just a few days ago, they were attacked in Kenya. John was left with a broken jaw, broken arms and badly injured legs; Eloise was raped by three of the attackers, her face was badly cut, and suffered a broken jaw. They are recovering, after undergoing hours of surgery to treat the deep cuts on their faces and bodies and their many broken bones.
and.... while John still need to undergo four major sugeries, .... they said their experience will not deter their determination to work in Kenya, and the first thing they want to do once they fully recover is to visit their attacker, and tell them about their forgiveness....
The couple's reaction really reminds me our Lord's unconditional love. My prayer goes to their recovery and their work in the Lord.
Lvoe in Chirst,
A Canadian couple who endured a vicious beating by men armed with machetes and clubs in Kenya said they will not let the terrifying experience deter them from their work with the poor.
He remembers standing outside in the dark, when seemingly out of nowhere, he was hit repeatedly with clubs and could feel the machetes "just gashing me, slashing me, cutting."
For the moment, John said he's glad to have survived the attack. "I was just praying, 'Jesus, help me, Jesus, Jesus,'" he said. "They left my life intact. It's amazing . . . it was an answer to my prayers."
John said he is now more determined than ever to help the impoverished children and widows of western Kenya, and he can't wait to get back to work.
"My job is in Kenya, to grow food for the hungry, to build schools for children who really need them, and to teach them about God," he said. "What would we do in Canada? There's a social safety net back home that just doesn't exist here."   

The couple have no medical insurance and had sold their house, vehicle and furniture before departing. Schumacher estimates that at least $150,000 will be needed to pay for their expenses.

Nonetheless, Eloise said one of the first things she and her husband want to do once they fully recover is to visit their assailants.
"When I woke up this morning, I was picturing the time will come when John and I are physically well again," she said. "It's in both of our hearts to go to the prison and tell them about our forgiveness."

"I asked God to help me figure out how to get free," Eloise said, describing how she managed to get a pair of scissors out of her makeup box and cut herself loose.
He said his wife went through the worst of the attack but will recover because she has a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.
"She's not a weak person; she's a very strong person," he said. "She has a good foundation with her emotional and spiritual life."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008


今年我们一共看了三部电影:《Devil's Avocate》,远志明的《The Gospel part 1 和 part 2》,及《Love Comes Softly》。除了小组自己的活动,我们也与其他小组有合组聚会。我们今年三月份与恒爱小组有合组活动。我们请了谢逸牧师来讲牙齿的保健,从牙齿保健来看我们灵命的"保健"。 夏天我们也与诗班一起联合在Monnie's Bay 野餐。

1.  在教�未�五年 (2008-2012年) �展目�中, 明年度 (2008年) 的近程  ���全力�展健康的小�, 主要工作如下:
(1) 建立小���支援及督��制: 由�牧�, ��道, �中��事及�建�弟兄�成牧���, 共同推�小�事工, 每人牧� 2-3�小�, �牧 (督�) 及小��每1-2月�有一次定期聚�, �容包括培�, 事工��, ����, 分享代�等。
(2) 小�重新��整合: 依照社� (Orleans & Gloucester, Kanata, Nepean, Barrhaven, 中�等) 及特定群� (�生, �身就�, 年�等) 需要, 重新��整合�有小�, �於2008年 1月起正式�始新的小�。

Friday, July 4, 2008

News to share...

Brothers and sisters,

I felt emotional after seeing the video from CNN. (click here for video). I am shocked to see people just passing by a collapsed woman without even think twice. Sadly, this incidence happened in a hospital waiting room that several hospital worker saw her on the floor but do nothing. She died on the hospital floor an hour later.

I am really touched when I start to recite how Jesus reached out to the sick and needy people around him. What I see is LOVE in Him. Our Lord has set a good example to us to have compassion to people, for his kingdom. Let's pray for ourselves, and may our Lord lead us to reach out our hands to those who are in needs.

Love in Christ,

Mat 20:34耶稣就动了慈心、把他们的眼睛一摸、他们立刻看见、就跟从了耶稣。
Mak 1:41耶稣动了慈心、就伸手摸他、说、我肯、你洁净了吧。

"To people around the world who have seen the video, Esmin Green is a symbol of a health-care system that seems to have failed horribly.

Green, 49, is shown rolling off a waiting room chair at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, on June 19. She lands face-down on the floor, convulsing.

Surveillance video captures her lying on the floor for more than an hour as several hospital workers see her and appear to ignore her. She died there.

But to fellow members of her church, she was known as "Sister Green." Together, they served as a family for her in the decade after she left Jamaica for New York."



在日本一位在車禍中,不幸失去了左臂的十幾歲的小男孩,決定 向一位 老師學習柔道。他很認真的學習,不過令他不解的是,六個月過去了,老師卻只是重複的教他同一個動作。他忍不住問老師:「您能不能再多教我一些動作?」
雖然男孩並不了 解 老師的用意,不過他 相信 老師的話,繼續努力學習。幾個月過去了,老師決定帶他去參加一個昇段鑑定比賽。在比賽中,他很熟練的運用老師所教的動作,過關斬將。一直到了決賽,雖然對手強悍得令他幾乎招架不住,他仍然在一番苦戰後,反敗為勝,得到冠軍。
老師回答他說:「有兩個原因:一、我教你的招式是柔道中最難的一個動作,你很精通 . 二、對手想要破解這個招式則只有一個動作,一定要抓住你的左手。」

Reading bible tip...

A person was in a desperate situation from which he could see no escape. He turned to the Bible which he closed, stood on end, and let fall open. With eyes closed he placed a finger on the page and looked at the verse indicated. It read, "Judas went out and hanged himself". Not liking this he repeated the process. The second verse was "Go thou and do likewise". In desperation he tried a third time. The result? "Then said Jesus unto him, That thou goest, do quickly."

Obviously all three verses were taken out of context and no truth can be derived from such a method.