Monday, October 28, 2013

Jacob's incident at school

He is a sweet boy. Jacob's mom is sick today. He went to her bed and prayed for her, by himself. I brought him to his skating lesson, library and had dinner at Harveys this evening. He insisted he wanted to pray for his mom after I said grace at Harveys. When he got home, he told his mom everything happened in the past 2 hours in an amazing detail. Tonight, after our bedtime bible story time, we talked about today's incident at school. He told me every detail what had happened.
This is the "his said" part:
- The girls said mean words to William.
- William started to tackle the girls.
- Jacob tried to stop the tackling between them, but unsuccessful.
- Jacob mis-heard Ryan that Finya broke the fort, he was running after Finya so that he could tell her that she broke the fort.
- When he saw Jordon went to teacher, he joined the boys again.
I told him that he did the right thing trying to stop the tackling. We talked about the safety at school playground and how he could help.

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